RALEIGH – Black Voices for Trump is holding a Martin Luther King Jr celebration on Monday, and it will be headlined by civil rights legend Clarence Henderson and media personalities and Trump-cheerleaders Diamond & Silk.
Of any president in the modern U.S. political era, Donald Trump stands the greatest chance of breaking up what the Democratic Party has considered a monolith of voting support it’s simply entitled to – black voters. After scores of attempts to earn more votes from black Americans, Trump actually has a movement behind him that could crack a ceiling that has been in place for our entire lives.
Even though the Left has spent a good bit of time smearing Trump and his supporters as horrible racists, the #BLEXIT (Black Exit from Democratic Party) movement started in earnest during his first term, with chapter around the country, including one in North Carolina. With all the molds and taboos Trump has broken, and the utter depravity of the Left in opposition to him as president, the monolith of the black vote doesn’t appear quite so monolithic anymore.
Instead the trend of historically reliable Democratic voters are beginning to question the wisdom and motivations of a party that has gone off the deep end. Contrast that with a president sporting the best employment numbers in decades, and the best EVER for minority Americans. Trump’s cultural effect has been to inspire conservative black Americans to speak out against the Left’s political dogma, and, more impressive, inspired many minority Democrat voters to put down the Kool-Aid the Left has been serving them for decades. Even Hollywood rappers are donning MAGA hats and visiting the White House with a Republican living there; that’s nothing to sneeze at.
Want to participate in the Black Voices for Trump event in Raleigh Monday? We’re certain all voices are welcome, no matter the color, so much as they share the values being celebrated. Register here.
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