Former Fox News powerhouse Bill O’Reilly is not going to sit ideally by and watch the network he help build into a media titan slowly become just another CNN or MSNBC.
According to O’Reilly, Fox’s new management is more concerned with appealing to the leftists that run the establishment media than those who actually built the network would have ever dreamed of being.
O’Reilly made the statement as he was taking Fox to task for their insistence on standing with CNN and far-left “journalist” Jim Acosta in their fight with the Trump White House over Acosta’s press credentials.
“The current management there wants to be part of the establishment media,” O’Reilly said. “That’s what it wants. Doesn’t want to be criticized by the New York Times and the Washington Post. Doesn’t want to be attacked by Media Matters. Doesn’t want that anymore. Wants to be part of the crew. Part of the gang. So what better way?”
“The gang’s all behind Jim Acosta,” O’Reilly continued. “So that’s what’s going on there, in my humble opinion.”
You can watch the full clip from Bill O’Reilly here:
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