EASTERN NC – As the coast of Carolina is still dizzy from the repetitive blows from Hurricane Florence, and government agencies do their best to mitigate and assess damage, charitable organizations are already putting boots on the ground to help those effected by the storm.
There to greet them has been Lt. Gov. Dan Forest.
Thank you @LtGovDanForest-appreciate all you do for the people of North Carolina! https://t.co/tgzCtrs86Y
— Franklin Graham (@Franklin_Graham) September 18, 2018
At a brief meeting Wednesday with President Trump at Marine Corp Air Station Cherry Point in Havelock, local leaders discussed the sense of community in pulling together to weather the storm’s effects, thanked the president for his early attention, and Gov. Cooper briefed the president on the current situation.
One member of that round table, Chairman of the Carteret County Board of Commissioners Mark Mansfield, made a point to thank Lt. Gov. Dan Forest specifically for coming to assess the situation on the Crystal Coast the early days after landfall.
Our visits to New Bern, Kinston and Morehead City showed how powerful these types of storms can be, but is also bringing out the best of NC. Neighbors helping neighbors, strangers stepping up when needed. Thank you to everyone assisting in these areas. (2of2) #hurricaneflorence
— Lt. Gov. Dan Forest (@LtGovDanForest) September 15, 2018
He did so with out fanfare or TV cameras, merely a commitment to help however he could.
And while Gov. Roy Cooper may have briefed the president Wednesday, it was Lt. Gov. Dan Forest that was called upon by Trump to update him on the fallout.
Just got off the phone with @realDonaldTrump. He asked how everything looked and if I thought it was better than expected. I told him I thought once the rain is gone and the light shines on some of our hardest hit areas it will probably be worse than expected.
— Lt. Gov. Dan Forest (@LtGovDanForest) September 14, 2018
If you’ve had the pleasure to meet Dan Forest, you know him to be a genuine and sharp individual with a laser-like focus on finding solutions to whatever problem North Carolina is facing. Assisting the recovery from Hurricane Florence will be no different for him.
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