Excerpt By: Carolina Journal. Written By: Dan Way.
As attorney general, Roy Cooper refused to defend North Carolina in a lawsuit challenging House Bill 2. He used the so-called bathroom law passed by the General Assembly as a rhetorical weapon in his successful campaign against incumbent Republican Gov. Pat McCrory.
As governor, Cooper may soon find the legal tables turned on him.
U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has backed away from pursuing a Texas lawsuit involving the issues of transgender rights surrounding the H.B. 2 controversy. The move prompted Campbell University law professor Greg Wallace to project that Sessions might abandon the Obama administration’s transgender bathroom lawsuit against North Carolina. If so, a separate sex-discrimination lawsuit against the University of North Carolina may fail as well.
On Friday, Sessions’ Justice Department, along with 13 states that last fall sued the Obama administration over a civil-rights dispute involving transgender persons, asked the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to cancel oral arguments. The request came immediately after the new attorney general withdrew a motion from the Obama DOJ last year limiting the scope of the lawsuit.
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