RALEIGH – We’ve paid a lot of attention to the concerted effort of Democrat Sheriffs in, usually, urban centers of North Carolina shunning cooperation programs with federal immigration authorities. In making their political points, these sheriffs choose to allow illegal aliens that have committed crimes to bond out and return to local communities. Many of the crimes are more than mere speeding tickets.
When it comes to the rape or sexual assault of a child, even one preventable instance is unacceptable when there are options available to detain and deport criminal aliens from our communities.
Alas, there is far more than one instance of such horrific crimes perpetrated every month here in North Carolina. The latest monthly report from North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement (NCFIRE).
“We begin 2019, (our 6th year of posting monthly child rapes by illegal aliens in NC), the same way we ended it in 2018, with more children being horribly raped by illegal aliens.
Do you realize, since we started posting the monthly child rape statistics in 2013, (not all of them mind you…just the ones we could find that were not purposely hidden by the media), that 1,740 illegal aliens have been charged with more than 7,900 child rape/child sexual assaults in NC alone?
Think about that for a minute…. Who in their right mind would allow something like this to occur, much less continue?
I’ll tell you who… your NCGA member would, that’s who, because they’ve done absolutely ZERO to stop it. And now we have the Sheriffs of many of our largest counties in NC openly defying to enforce federal laws! The Sheriffs of Mecklenburg, Forsyth, Durham and Wake have all openly stated, on the record, that they will no longer inform DHS/ICE of illegal aliens they hold in their custody.
In fact, most every NC county Sheriff who is a Democrat, is refusing to obey federal law. If an illegal alien commits a crime in a NC county run by a Democrat Sheriff, the illegal alien will be allowed to bond out and put right back on the street, either to flee back to wherever they came from or remain here without fear of being deported. They WILL NOT contact ICE/DHS about them.
The only person who can change this is YOU! You HAVE to get vocal and get everyone you know to be vocal as well. Go to your local city counsel and county commissioner meetings, call your Representative’s office in Raleigh, voice your concerns, your objections, raise hell if necessary, until they listen to you. That’s the ONLY way any of this is going to stop.”
The NCFIRE report for January 2019 documents 17 illegal aliens charged or convicted of 171 separate acts of child rape/child sexual assault. How many of these men will be bonded out, instead of transferred to the custody of ICE, because sanctuary sheriffs want immigrant communities to feel safe and comfortable calling law enforcement?
Hopefully Rogelio Torres Rivera won’t be free to walk the streets of Jackson County for a long, long time. He was convicted of taking indecent liberties with a 9 year old girl and a six year old boy.
If immigration laws were properly enforced, would Rivera have had the opportunity to commit that crime in North Carolina?
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