CARY – The ‘woke’ Left has a nasty habit of blatantly contradicting the values they purport to advocate for. A glaring example of this trend is ‘Antifa’ groups, self-described anti-fascists that routinely, and ironically, employ violence and intimidation to snuff out any person or group with dissenting views. This practice is not confined to strictly Antifa groups, rather it has been adopted by a host of Leftist groups that exist strictly to organize protests and boycott campaigns.
One or more of these Leftist groups in North Carolina recently leveraged such threats and intimidation to have an event canceled at a Cary sports bar. The intimidation effort seems to have been led by a group called Defend UNC, which was involved in spurring the mob actions that tore down the ‘Silent Sam’ statue on UNC Chapel Hill’s campus. They describe themselves as ‘anti-racist.’
The target? Wake County Republican Liberty Caucus, but more specifically their invited speaker, Hussein Hill.
Wake RLC is a small group of libertarian Republicans that host get-togethers to discuss current political, social, and cultural issues. Their mission is to “promote the principles of limited government, individual liberty and free markets in the GOP and beyond.”
Hill, who describes himself as “an independent, right leaning, libertarian content creator” was to lead a discussion titled “Who are the Proud Boys?” Having such an honest discussion was too much for the snowflakes in Chapel Hill, who caught wind of the event. Defend UNC led a charge to harass the venue, RallyPoint Sports Grill, until they canceled the talk. (The harassment was so bad that the restaurant owners also canceled scheduled events of Western Wake Republicans, which has no association with Wake RLC and has been meeting there without incident for years.)
Hill is a member of the Proud Boys, an oft demonized fraternal organization that is commonly referred to as the anti-Antifa. The narrative the Left has spun regarding the Proud Boys makes them out to be disgruntled, violent, white males of the alt-right.
One of the ironies in all of this is that Hill is a black, gay, ex-Muslim; a point only worth noting because the groups that worked to silence him via intimidation constantly bill themselves as anti-racist, anti-hate, and so on. An anti-racist group gloating that they shutdown a speech by a gay black man. You can’t make this stuff up.
Instead of relying on other media’s inherently slanted coverage of the ordeal, First in Freedom Daily caught up with Hill to get his perspective directly.
He was quick to note the absurdity of it all, being that Wake RLC is as anti-racist, anti-fascists, and pro-liberty as it gets. The purpose of the talk, Hill said, “was to be a speech about what the Proud Boys are, to separate rumors from reality, and explain why the Left hates them.”
But the Radical Left couldn’t just let Hill dispel the myths about the Proud Boys that they worked so hard to create, so they inundated RallyPoint with harassment warranting security concerns.
“I got threatened by anonymous calls, people telling me to ‘Get the hell out of Raleigh,” Hill told us. “IndyWeek,” the publication that gloated over the cancellation, “knew about the cancellation before I did.”
Moreover, some decided to threaten Hill directly.
(If you’re wondering what LARP mean, it stands for ‘Live Action Role Playing,’ an attempted insult dished out by someone who apparently likes to don black clothing and a mask with his friends to act like anti-fascists and anonymously assault people, but we digress.)
Despite RallyPoint’s decision to cancel the event, and other Republican group events, due to the intimidation from these radical Leftists, voices like Hill’s will not be silenced.
There has been some reflexive blow back from Republicans against the venue owners themselves for caving to the pressure, with talk of violating free speech, but Hill wants people to know they are not in the wrong.
“I don’t blame RallyPoint, because they are just trying to run a business,” said Hill, “They didn’t ask to be a part of this culture war. I understand the passion, but we need to focus on the ones that are actually causing this.”
Indeed, the decision to cancel is merely the business owners’ exercising of their own God-given rights. The shame and pressure should be reserved for the Radical Leftists that increasingly engage in these intimidation campaigns to shutdown opposing political and cultural views.
They are not anti-fascists, or anti-racists, or anti-hate in any true sense of these terms. We should do our best to pick apart these carefully crafted narratives they have spun, or else their doublespeak will go uncontested as they inch closer to their goal of snuffing out political dissent of any kind while virtue signaling all the while. Hussein Hill, a.k.a. Narrative Assassin, is certainly invested in doing just that, and we applaud him for it.
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