RALEIGH – Most of you have surely heard of George Soros, the shady Hungarian Bond villain of a hedge fund billionaire with a mission to spread his Radical Leftism across the world via Byzantine dark money pools and activist organizations.
You might not know that Soros has a particular interest in the North Carolina Supreme Court. Specifically, Democratic candidate for the high court of the Old North State Anita Earls’ race to sit on that bench.
When you can’t set the legislative calendar in D.C., and the smear campaigns against Trump nominees fall flat, one must inject influence into more obscure elections that can also serve to achieve the Soros goal.
“It is therefore not surprising that Soros wants to solidify his influence in North Carolina’s Supreme Court through his support for supreme court candidate Anita Earls, executive director of the Southern Coalition for Social Justice. Founded by Earls in 2007, SCSJ has partnered with openly antisemitic organizations and individuals in Durham such as the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions group Spirithouse Durham. Since 2010, Soros’ Open Society has made considerable investments in SCSJ to control the city’s criminal justice system.
In 2015, SCSJ partnered with BDS leader Michelle Alexander of Dream Defenders, a Black Lives Matter offshoot that openly embraces antisemitism and engages with terrorists such as Mahmoud Jedda, who served 17 years in Israeli prison for planting bombs. In late 2017, Dream Defender activist Bree Newsome headlined the 10th anniversary gala of Earls’ organization. Newsome has invoked Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in accusing Israel and the U.S of using brutal violence to uphold “white power structures.”
This is despite the fact that Dr. King himself was a staunch supporter of Israel and that the Jewish State is the only country in the Middle East that guarantees equal rights to all of its citizens regardless of race, sex, or religion.
America’s judiciary serves as a reflection of its values, which in turn forms the foundation of its laws. If Soros is able to get Earls elected as a judge on North Carolina’s Supreme Court, then he has a recipe for success across the country.”
God help us if Earls is elected to push the Soros agenda from the bench, and especially if that is replicated by Soros in other states. This race for supreme court is not as high profile as it should be, considering the consequences of adding a blatant social justice jurist to the bench.
The race is already fixed in Earls’ favor through a Democratic plant, Chris Anglin, running as a “Republican” alternative to incumbent Republican Justice Barbara Jackson. Taking advantage of a sloppy loophole left open by Republican state leadership, Anglin’s campaign is run by veteran Democrats whose goal is to see Earls elected. A vote for Anglin over Jackson is essentially a vote for Earls.
To stop Soros from digging his dirty Progressive fingers into the N.C. court system, Justice Jackson must be reelected and Earls stopped in her tracks. You can visit Justice Jackson’s campaign site here to explore ways to support her in her quest to keep the constitutions principles out of reach of the Radical Left.
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