America is an idea. It is the greatest of ideas.
The idea toward which humanity has been hurtling since inception. With heroic leaps forward, crushing stumbles backward, and millennia of stagnant complacency, apathy and hopelessness, the founding of America represents the greatest thrust towards realizing this idea in the entirety of human events.
An idea so fundamental to human life on earth, so self-evident to any and all who care to notice, and yet so consistently maligned and misrepresented throughout history that we must constantly guard against those who wish you didn’t know it.
An idea so righteous, so intrinsically absolute, that the articulation and forever expanding pursuit of its recognition beginning in 1776 can justifiably be considered a manifest destiny.
An idea so omniscient that it pierces the thickest cloaks of mysticism and so powerful that it leaves defeated any and all brutes who try to forcefully violate its truth.
The idea that the sanctity and sovereignty of each and every individual is morally absolute and that government’s only moral authority is in recognizing and protecting the rights of individuals as evidenced by this truth; that each individual enjoys the right to one’s own life, liberty, mind, labor, property and pursuit of ultimate happiness by the very nature of their existence.
The idea that a framework built upon recognition of this truth, while still susceptible to the occasional incursion of the basest human evils, will, over time, yield a progressive march toward its perfect execution.
The idea that, insomuch as our chosen representatives fall short of sufficiently protecting and/or promoting the moral superiority of these founding principles of individual sanctity and sovereignty, we the people can correct the slightest, or even the most egregious deviations from this, our chosen path.
This Independence Day be sure to thank America for her idea. Take care to consider this idea deeply, defend it mightily from those that would subvert it, and marvel at the fireworks celebrating the birth of the greatest nation that has ever been.
Happy Independence Day from First in Freedom Daily.
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