GEORGIA – It was just last week that we highlighted a federal judge’s proclamation that the House Bill 2 compromise bill did NOT ban transgender persons from using the bathroom of their choice in North Carolina. The LGBT crowd cheered, celebrating a judiciary that’s willing to play along with the transgender fantasy and further Leftist agendas.
The advocates for transgender “rights” to use bathrooms based on their feelings often argued during the House Bill 2 saga that such persons did not threaten the safety of anyone and that they were the ones most at risk. They mocked opposition to such open bathroom laws that feared for the privacy and safety of their mothers, sisters, and daughters.
Now those fears have allegedly become reality in a Georgia school where accommodating such transgender bathroom preferences is the official policy.
“The Education Department said Wednesday that it is investigating whether a Georgia school district’s policy allowing transgender students to use the bathroom of their choice created a “hostile environment” for a 5-year-old girl who said she was sexually assaulted in a school bathroom.
The complaint, filed on behalf of the parent of the girl, has the potential to upend a heated national debate on transgender students and their access to education bathrooms and locker rooms. The Obama administration sided with transgender students in their choice of school bathrooms, but the Trump administration scrapped that policy and said it was a local decision for schools and states.
The agency’s Office for Civil Rights said in response to the complaint that the school’s bathroom policy was one aspect of the investigation. Investigators would also look at the school district’s response to the report of the attack, which the complaint alleged was by “a male student who identified as gender fluid.”“
So how long before someone in North Carolina is the victim of an attack by a man in a women’s bathroom precisely because state government has codified the appeasement of transgender and eliminated schools and businesses legal ability to separate such facility use base on actual biological differences? Will the lawmakers still pat themselves on the back for their grand compromise with the social justice warriors when it does?
Read more here.
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