RALEIGH – State Attorney General Josh Stein has long been an enemy of Voter ID, as evidenced by his unethical decision to abandon his client, the State of North Carolina, as it relates to the Voter ID court cases working their way up to the Supreme Court. That’s why it was a little concerning that he would be making decisions about ballot language for the Voter ID constitutional amendment referendum as part of a three-person commission filled out by Democrat Secretary of State Elaine Marshall and one Republican.
Interestingly, it was at a meeting of this commission that Stein made quite the admission: Voter ID isn’t needed, because it doesn’t address the BULK VOTER FRAUD within the absentee ballot system. Say again, Josh?
First, let’s point out the obvious. While trying to be cute, Stein asserts hardly any voter fraud goes on in person, but instead the bulk of it happens via absentee ballot, which Voter ID would not address.
He then states clearly that not knowing if a person is who they say they are when it comes to casting a ballot represents is a major problem. THAT’S WHY WE NEED VOTER ID. (Plus, why is Stein arguing against Voter ID as part of a commission that he and others like Secretary Marshall swear is a neutral body with no skin in the game?)
In addition to accidentally making the case for Voter ID, no matter how much or little in-person voter fraud occurs, Steins remarks raise some other questions that are made especially interesting by Marshall’s presence.
If absentee ballots is where most of the voter fraud occurs because there’s no way to tell the person filling out the ballot is who they say they are, then shouldn’t we be talking about safeguards in the absentee ballot system IN ADDITION to in-person Voter ID?
Stein is correct, though; the process for requesting and voting absentee ballot is full of opportunities for fraud. If you can get just a couple bits of information about a “voter”, you can get a form and have mailed to an entirely different address.
The requirements leave it open for old folks to be completely taken advantage of by conniving vote fraudsters, and the thresholds for receiving an absentee ballot are lax enough that citizenship may not even be determined. (That would be racist)
As long as you have two witnesses, or a notary, present it’s all good!
That is precisely why Sec. Elaine Marshall’s spot on this commission, and in earshot of Stein’s worries about absentee ballot fraud, is so rich. Marshall presides over a department that enacted a policy of conferring illegal aliens with the state powers of a notary public.
One of those powers, as just mentioned, is to certify absentee ballots. Absentee ballots that contain the “bulk of voter fraud” according to AG Josh Stein.
So not only is Stein making a case for in-person Voter ID, and raising legitimate concerns about the apparent fraud within the absentee ballot system, but also raising questions about whether Marshall’s Illegal Notaries policy enables illegal aliens to certify fraudulent absentee ballots.
It’s a good thing the legislature is coming back tomorrow to override Gov. Roy Cooper’s veto of a bill that takes the ballot language responsibility out of these clumsy Leftists hands. It’d be a better thing if those Leftists were not in positions of power in the first place.
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