RALEIGH – Republicans in North Carolina were quick to express their anger over Sen. Richard Burr’s vote to convict Donald Trump of the impeachment charges. Not just the rank-and-file Trump faithfuls, either; some of the top Republican officials in the state are calling for his censure.
Indeed, the NCGOP Central Committee will hold a censure vote Monday, which is expected to pass in light of this weekend’s sentiments from party officials.
Kyshia Lineberger, the RNC committeewoman from North Carolina, said she will vote to censure Burr in a fiery Facebook post after the vote in the U.S. Senate:
Of course, Democrats in North Carolina are falling all over themselves to praise Burr’s ‘vote of conscience’ and to denigrate Republicans for being upset with him (how dare they). This makes sense; why wouldn’t they appreciate the Republican once again lending some perceived legitimacy to the ‘Trump/conservatives’ are evil narrative?
Burr’s vote, though maddening from a Senator that is likely in his seat because Trump was on the ticket in 2016, is consistent with his track record in D.C., and related to Trump in particular.
Burr has, for years now, served to breath life into the longest and most fanciful smear against Trump, “investigating” the Russia collusion hoax as chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee.
He kept that sham investigation — a virtual coup attempt — alive long after the conclusions of its illegitimacy were absolutely clear. Why? Other than naivete, an unbelievable excuse, one can only conclude that it is because he sympathized more with the politically interested leadership of the intelligence agencies, Deep State actors, and Washington institutions peddling these lies to protect their power than he did with the People who put Trump (and him) in office.
Burr’s Republicans constituents giving him a public kick in the rear as he coasts through the remainder of a term they gave to him is only fitting. Something tells us, though, it won’t register on ‘his conscience’, or weigh on whatever post-Senate career his Establishment-pleasing vote to convict has ensured.
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