RALEIGH – If any doubt remained that the majority of colleges and universities were nothing but indoctrination factories staffed with liberal activists more interested in pushing agendas than true education, then the news announced Monday that N.C. State University will be offering a PhD in social justice.
“The program, which will debut in fall 2019, aims to teach educators, or “scholar-activists,” about social justice and how they can bring about change in the classroom setting, according to an NC State news release.
“The goal of the program is to help educators recognize and disrupt systems of oppression by helping to foster and create equitable learning environments,” Jessica DeCuir-Gunby, a professor of educational psychology and director of graduate programs for the Teacher Education and Learning Sciences Department, said in the news release.
Faculty will come from various research areas, such as “social justice teacher education, multicultural education and literacy, education and immigration and diversity and equity in schools and communities,” according to the Ph.D. program’s webpage. The program also claimed it would focus on “equity in STEM” and “scholar activism.”
“This program area of study promotes social diversity while naming, interrogating and challenging oppression, exploitation and marginalization within education at the local, state, national and international levels,” the website states.
Courses that are required to attain the Ph.D. in social justice education include “Social Justice in Education,” “Diversity & Equity Scholar Leader Course,” and more.
NCSU College Republicans chairman Kyle Laughter told Campus Reform he views this new Ph.D. program as a way to push social justice on future students.”
Laughter goes on to point out the unlikelihood that any conservative equivalent would ever be offered as a course of study. You’d be hard pressed to even find honest courses on capitalism and American history in these schools, let alone a whole doctoral program dedicated to libertarianism .
While a program like this seems more at home in Chapel Hill or Duke University, don’t think those schools’ faculty aren’t watching this closely with an inkling to create there own. It wouldn’t be a heavy lift at all, as these ‘institutions of higher learning’ are already churning out completely woke social justice warriors as it is.
Just imagine would a social justice thesis would look like. You’d probably get extra points for destroying public property, harassing different-minded people at their work or home, and an automatic ‘A’ for demanding social justice concessions from your own school.
Get ready for it all, because the Wolfpack is about to be so woke.
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