RALEIGH – The loss of the Supreme Court seat by Republicans may be one of the worst outcomes of the 2018 election. Barbara Jackson faced a Social Justice Warrior protected by a planted spoiler and got no help from the party to mount a sufficient effort to protect an important Supreme Court seat. Actually, there seems to have been no effort at all, not even to publicize notable endorsements from law enforcement.
From the Daily Haymaker:
A bi-partisan group of 58 sitting sheriffs (out of a total of 100) emphatically endorsed the reelection of NC Supreme Court Justice Barbara Jackson the week before the election. But NO ONE in the NCGOP hierarchy, the Jackson campaign, or the driveby media appeared to give a damn.
Some of the sheriffs held a press conference in Burlington on October 30 to release the group’s statement in favor of Jackson’s reelection. Not one drive-by media outlet showed any interest. The Jackson campaign didn’t publicize the event. (Confirmed by a Google search.)
Anita Earls, the eventual winner, kept hyping her endorsement by “law enforcement officials” throughout the campaign. But if you looked closer at her list, it was all Democrat candidates for sheriff and former Democrat appointees to US attorney posts.
An endorsement by more than half of the state’s sitting sheriffs — from both parties — is pretty doggone significant. Why was it ignored?”
Was the Supreme Court seat sacrificed in order to throw money away futile campaigns to save moderate urban Republicans that are increasingly indistinguishable from Democrats?
Find out who dropped the ball and read the endorsement letter here.
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