RALEIGH – No matter how we view the surreal state the coronavirus pandemic has thrown us in to, the pain and suffering of those afflicted with the virus is real and deserving of our prayers. Reverend Mark Creech of the Christian Action League offers a ‘Prayer for Those Who Are Dying’ today, as we face perhaps the deadliest period of this struggle.
God of abundant grace and mercy, today your summons comes for many who are dying from the pestilence which afflicts the world. An innumerable caravan of souls will march through the valley of the shadow of death and into that undiscovered country from which no traveler returns. We pray that they might not go, like slaves taken in chains. Instead, we ask their eyes be opened before they close at last to see the Savior who forgives and cleanses all sin, who takes away the sting of death, with whom is the key to eternal life, our blessed Lord Jesus Christ.
We pray earnestly that in their last hour, they should possess that unfaltering trust, whereby they approach the grave like someone who wraps himself in a blanket to lay down to pleasant dreams.
O Lord, bless and keep them, make your face to shine upon them and be gracious to
them. We would not forget to ask that you comfort and look with compassion upon bereaved family members, whose hearts are now bowed low with grief. Bring assurances of your love to them as well. We make these petitions in the precious name of Him who is the way, the truth, and the life.
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