DURHAM – If you need any confirmation about just how crazy and unhinged the Radical Left is, look no further than this press conference from the Marxist, Social Justice Revolutionaries that toppled Confederate statues in Durham last year after a Thursday court appearance.
These people are mentally ill. One of them is a professor at UNC that has a habit of arming himself with a rifle to prevent these nutcases from being prohibited from destroying public and private property, as well as non-existent White Supremacists.
“Burn this building down!” ‘Capitalism is a force of oppression!’
The video speaks for itself:
Charges against many of these crazies were dismissed, giving them reason to celebrate by calling for forceful revolution and describing all police and sheriff’s deputies as White Supremacists.
Let’s just hope that these people represent a fringe and small portion of the Left. Worryingly, this rhetoric seems to infect more and more of the Left everyday.
Read more about the cases here.
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