Since being named the new Chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, North Carolina Congressman Mark Meadows has been a busy man.
Outside of working overtime to put the new Congress and Trump administration in the best chance to succeed in the first 100 days, Meadows has outlined a plan to get Obamacare repealed ASAP despite the GOP establishment, and even joined forces with Ted Cruz to bring about campaign finance reform liberals are sure to hate.
But the Conservative Congressman isn’t even close to being done.
This week Meadows released a list of 223 regulations unilaterally enacted by Barack Obama the Freedom Caucus is out to destroy when the new Congress comes into session in January.
One of those regulations is the mandate from the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) that threatens to remove funding from schools that don’t let students use the facilities that match their gender identity.
The Freedom Caucus detailed the mandate in a release announcing their ‘hit list’:
Office for Civil Rights’ Transgender and Nonconforming Students Regulations: In May, the education department issued guidance to school districts and institutions of higher education telling them to allow transgender students to use the restroom and locker rooms matching their gender identity. (The guidance is not legally binding.) Secretary of Education John B. King Jr. has said the guidance clarifies that gender identity is protected under Title IX. But Republicans in Congress have strongly criticized the guidance, saying the federal government is sticking its nose into school operations, where it doesn’t belong. Opposition to this guidance was included in the official Republican Party platform.
Clearly, Mark Meadows has made it clear – under his watch, Conservatives aren’t messing around anymore.
You can read the full list of the 223 regulations released by the House Freedom Caucus below:
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