RALEIGH – ‘A day late and a dollar short’ would be too kind a description of Governor Roy Cooper’s late moves to undo the policy disaster that was COVID-19 restrictions. Even so, Cooper and NC Health Czar Mandy Cohen are expected to announce a loosening of those executive orders on Wednesday as cases continue to plummet.
The benevolence may include increasing capacity at sports venues, and/or allowing private bar owners to actually make a living by increasing capacity limits and extending serving times.
President of the North Carolina Bar and Tavern Association (NCBTA) Zack Medford told reporters that they’re hopeful regarding the impending announcement, but any announcement won’t undo the damage done to these small-business owners:
“Right now we’re digging into our kid’s college funds just trying to find a way to keep afloat until the day comes that we can welcome guests back inside of our businesses, it’s not fair.”
Currently, the state is still under a ‘modified stay-at-home order.’ A curfew for individuals and businesses, strict gathering limits, mask mandates, and far too many schools remain closed. Adherence to these rules varies across communities.
Been out and about after the 10:00 PM curfew? As we’ve seen time and again, the people usually lead the policy. Meaning, if Cooper is easing restrictions, it is because the people have already started shrugging them off in numbers.
It’s hard for even those that have swallowed the hysteria hook, line, and sinker to maintain that level of paranoia when the metrics look like this:
Meanwhile, a bill to require in-person instruction be offered to public school kids across the state is sitting on the governor’s desk, collecting dust as the 10 day window closes in.
Cooper will hold a presser Wednesday afternoon to detail whatever easing is belatedly coming our way.
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