Congressman Mark Meadows Calls For Release of Impeachment Shattering Witness Testimony

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Democrats leading the witch hunt on Capitol Hill against President Donald Trump have pulled out all the stops in an attempt craft a fabricated impeachment narrative out of executive decisions that upset the status quo. Vital to the theater is controlling the information the American audience sees and hears so as not to alert them to the illusion. And so Rep. Adam Schiff and company can’t possibly let the audience take in accounts from witnesses that provided hours of closed door testimony vindicating the president in his actions.

Congressman and leader of the Freedom Caucus Mark Meadows (R-NC) is calling out the Democrats for this grandest of charades and asking for the release of key testimony that shatters the already non-existent case for impeachment.

The relevant House Republicans are also calling for the resumption of the people’s business instead of continuing to damage the country with this unpopular coup attempt.

Wouldn’t hold your breath just yet on that one; the election is still a year away and the Democrats have nothing but desperation left.

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