RALEIGH – A leftist publication called Think Progress is attacking Republican Lieutenant Governor and 2020 gubernatorial hopeful Dan Forest as a “white nationalist” for daring to caution against the dangers of multiculturalism and diversity for diversity’s sake.
“Republican North Carolina Lt. Gov. Dan Forest, who is currently exploring a bid for governor in 2020, delivered a sermon on Sunday denouncing America’s diversity and multiculturalism and calling for Christian assimilation.
Delivered as part of the Salisbury-based Cornerstone Church’s “Celebrate America Service,” Forest issued a stern warning that diversity was destroying America.
The comments were first noticed by American Bridge, a progressive research organization. […]
Anti-multiculturalism rhetoric is popular among the growing white nationalist wing of the Republican Party. Rep. Steve King (R-IA) has made similar comments in the past, and the Southern Poverty Law Center has attributed the rhetoric to white nationalist hate groups. […]”
So what ghastly thing did Forest say to earn this smear from the Left? He (rightly) pointed out that nations have not historically survived the kind of forced diversity and multiculturalism while denouncing the core culture and principles that undergird it.
“[N]o other nation, my friends, has ever survived the diversity and multiculturalism that America faces today, because of a lack of assimilation, because of this division, and because of this identity politics,” Forest claimed.
“But no other nation has ever been founded on the principles of Jesus Christ, that begin the redemption and reconciliation through the atoning blood of our savior,” he added. […]”
The Lefties at Think Progress proceed to lecture about the separation of church and state, seemingly ignorant to the distinction between state-sponsored religion and the undeniable influence of Judeo-Christian values on our founding principles and the role of those founding principles in connecting and shaping a unique American culture.
So blinded by their reflexive ‘He’s a racist/bigot’ smear are they that the authors then offer examples of Forest being the exact opposite of the white nationalists they want you to think he is.
“[…] Forest’s comments appear to conflict with his work as lieutenant governor. In 2016, he boasted of leading a Hispanic Outreach Task Force for the state board of education, focused on making charter schools more accessible for Hispanic families. Among its recommendations were “Spanish translations on public charters’ websites & applications” and the creation of a “Hispanic/Minority Advisory Board. […]”
So, either Forest is a white nationalist that also happens to care about Hispanic families having better access to school choice, or Think Progress has no idea what they are talking about.
As confused as these Leftists are, their interest in smearing and attacking Forest send a very clear signal – conservatives like Dan Forest are a threat to their progressive ideology. It follows that a Governor Dan Forest would be a great thing for the First in Freedom State.
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