FRANKFORT, KY – The 2018 elections brought an end to an era of Republican legislative veto-proof super-majorities on Jones Street. Four of those years featured a Republican governor, to boot. Yet, with no justifiable barriers to passing legislation that reaffirms and codifies our inalienable rights, the Republican super-majorities failed (or resisted) approving such constitutional laws.
That doesn’t seem to be a problem in Kentucky.
Constitutional Carry just passed the Kentucky House with a vote of 60 to 37! The bill is now on its way to the Governor’s desk to be signed into law. https://t.co/coQmF7gCZ5 #NAGR #NationalGunRights #NoCompromise #GunRights #ConstitutionalCarry
— National Association for Gun Rights (@NatlGunRights) March 1, 2019
Good for Kentuckians, that their lawmakers thought their God-given rights were worthy of protection from government overreach. While strides have certainly been made under Republican majorities in the Old North State, especially in tax, regulatory, and fiscal reforms, the absence of major gun rights victories while under Republican domination makes one wonder what the excuse is.
To be sure, gun rights legislation has been filed, mostly piecemeal, expanding some abilities to carry in certain places. However, each time, these limited bills were watered down even further. Outright constitutional carry legislation was killed every single time, while legislative leaders made sure they never saw the light of day so as to get lawmakers on record approving or opposing out right to bear arms.
It’s amazing how the term “shall not be infringed” has somehow morphed into a maze of onerous laws that violate our Second Amendment rights – even in a state that takes pride in its ‘First in Freedom’ heritage.
Now that the super-majorities are gone, and a Democrat is in the Governor’s mansion, the hopes of reclaiming recognition of these rights from the State has slipped away for the foreseeable future.
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