RALEIGH – The N.C. State Board of Elections voted unanimously Tuesday to not certify the results of the 9th Congressional District race between Republican Mark Harris and Democrat Dan McCready. Though all relevant counties had already certified their results and McCready had conceded the race, new information hints at why that was the state board was reluctant to sign off on it just yet.
“The chief investigator for the North Carolina Board of Elections took absentee ballots and envelopes from Bladen County immediately after the Nov. 6 election, according to the chair of the county’s board of elections.
Bobby Ludlum, chair of the Bladen County Board of Elections, told WFAE Wednesday that the board’s chief investigator, Joan Fleming, came to Elizabethtown to get the records during the week of the election.
“She was here the day after, or around that time,” said Ludlum, a Republican who chairs the county’s board. “I’ve heard rumors and allegations (about what they are looking for) but they haven’t said anything.””
Harris led the vote count by nearly a thousand votes across the district. He won the election by more than 1,500 votes in Bladen County – not a small margin, as it represents a 16 point margin of victory for the Republican.
Also of note is the recent confirmation of Republican support in Bladen County politics that led to their lone Democratic representative, Rep. William Brisson, to actually change parties from Democrat to Republican in time for the 2018 election. He won re-election as a Republican.
So what irregularities could be going on in Bladen County that are of such interest to the chief investigator of the elections board? It doesn’t stand to reason that Republicans would be faced with such a challenge as to (hypothetically) pad the votes there. Other Republican candidates won in that county by similar margins, and their races have been certified by the state board. So that leads us to wonder if the opposite was taking place.
We know from Democratic N.C. Attorney General Josh Stein that absentee voting is the preferred method of voter fraud for the Left. We also know that Bladen County’s next door neighbor, Robeson County, has had a lot of experience with padding votes at the last minute to put Democrats above critical thresholds for victory. Is it possible some of those same tricks were being tried in Bladen?
It is hard to tell from which direction the apparent shadiness was coming, as the state board is not being very transparent about why they seized the ballots, but SOMEONE may have been trying to steal an election. Which party is more likely to have done that is up for you to ponder until we get more information from the state board.
Read more here.
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