PLANET EARTH – With all the crazy things to capture our attention and angst over these last couple of years, the craziest of all might that the following news story is not the number one story in the world every day.
UFOs, UAVs, or UAPs, whatever the term used, our government is admitting that these ‘things’ are real, recent, and at least some of them happened right off the Outer Banks of North Carolina.
That’s the encounter former Navy Pilot Lt. Ryan Graves describes for reporters of CBS’ 60 Minutes for the program’s extended report on this incredible phenomenon, calling it a “national security risk.”
(Graves at 4:05 mark)
Since 2017, the United States Department of Defense has been confirming the authenticity of a growing list of leaked footage taken by Navy pilots and other military personnel of relatively recent encounters with airborne (and seaborne) objects that defy all current physical technology and capabilities and which credible witnesses describe as ‘not from this planet.’
Lt. Graves reports encountering multiple UAPs over multiple flights in restricted airspace ‘southeast of Virginia Beach’, A.K.A. just off the Outer Banks, starting in 2014. The sighting range extends along the east coast, and it was his unit is the one that captured some of the now infamous footage off the coast of Jacksonville, Florida with onboard radar and infrared suites.

As noted in the report above, Lt. Graves says that pilots training off the Atlantic Coast see these things all the time. As in, “Everyday.”
The whole report is worth a watch, or two. As we all consider the big issues of the day, the humility that comes from considering this probably wouldn’t hurt. Something to keep in mind as you hit the Outer Banks this summer and peer into the Atlantic horizon, wondering what in God’s name is out there.
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