RALEIGH – North Carolina is again going to be a pivotal state for the presidential race between Trump and whatever dolt the wayward Democrats end up with for 2020. The president has already held two rallies in the Old North State this year, and visits are sure to crescendo into this time next year.
Further evidence of North Carolina’s 2020 importance is the flak the state’s voters will be taking from an Obama machine that has not so much left the national political stage as it did slink behind the curtain to further their agenda via more opaque means. According to reports, this machine run by former Obama campaign manager David Plouffe has raised $75 million to target North Carolina and three other swing states with digital ads in a well healed attempted to smear and dislodge Trump.
From Fox Business:
“As Democratic presidential hopefuls trade barbs in the lead-up to the 2020 election, two Obama campaign veterans announced Monday they’ll raise $75 million to spend on digital advertising to offset President Trump’s incumbent advantage.
David Plouffe, a former adviser to Barack Obama, and Tara McGowan, a former digital producer for Obama’s re-election campaign, call their initiative “Four is Enough” — presumably referring to four years of the Trump presidency.
The ads will be funded by two groups, Acronym and its affiliated political action committee, Pacronym. McGowan is founder and CEO of Acronym, a nonprofit. […]”
This is no traditional media campaign. If we’re going to beat Trump, everyone who is outraged at this presidency has a role to play in driving our narrative until we have our candidate. Join us, buy some swag + help spread the word that #FourIsEnough -> https://t.co/Az9IyY7DnO
— Tara McGowan (@taraemcg) November 4, 2019
See, they give away exactly what they’re up to. In this case they will pour millions into shaping a equally fictional and negative narrative about Trump because it’s the only hope they have. Despite their efforts they’ll likely find a state electorate that’s a little more fond of the truth — Esse Quam Videri — and the reality of President Trump’s performance in office speaks for itself.
This is probably only the first volley of what will amount to a full raid on North Carolina’s digital and airwaves going into 2020 as Democrats throw everything they have in what will amount to a huge act of futility.
Read more on the Obama machine at work here.
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