RALEIGH – And so it begins; early voting began Thursday for the March 3 North Carolina primary elections featuring so many races it’s hard to pay attention to all of them. Of course, the Democrats’ contest for who will have the honor of losing to President Donald Trump in 2020, but the list extends from there to governor, lieutenant governor, statewide Council of State offices, all NC House and NC Senate races, county commission races and so on.
While the presidential candidates will soak up much of the media attention, the North Carolina races for governor, Council of State, the state legislature, and local offices are critical to shaping politics in the Old North State for the next two years and beyond.
Dan Forest, the front runner for the Republican race for governor, has covered the state in signs and has volunteers coming out of the woodwork to ensure Governor Roy Cooper is moving into a new residence come January 2021.
The race for lieutenant governor is a full slate for both the Republican and Democratic primaries, and critical Council of State races like Secretary of State, N.C. Attorney General, State Auditor, and Superintendent of Public Instruction are also in play. The current Secretary of State, a Democrat, is a 20 year incumbent, for instance. Our attorney general, Democrat Josh Stein, is fond of throwing our state and its voters under the bus in favor of earning brownie points among the woke Left. Both need to go.
In the General Assembly, Republicans candidates are angling to reclaim seats lost in the 2018 midterm backwash, reasserting a veto-proof majority in case Cooper is reelected, and standing up to keep North Carolina from becoming Virginia.
(Full Disclosure: This author is on the front lines of that fight to take back a seat in relatively conservative southern Wake County who’s been (mis)represented by a Democrat that was barely elected in 2018. You can back us up here.)
So, while it may feel like trying to drink from a fire hose, it’s important to make your voices heard in EVERY race on the ballot. Know your candidates; know who the committed conservatives are; and, rally your family, friends, and neighbors to stand up and be counted. 2020 will be a pivotal election for North Carolina. Find your polling place and please go vote!
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