RALEIGH – For the last week or more, political talking points around the Left have gravitated toward unison regarding disenfranchisement and popular votes versus electoral results. It all made sense on Tuesday when it was announced there would be another lawsuit against North Carolina legislative maps on new (and absurd) constitutional grounds.
While the litigation over maps is nakedly political, Democrats still maintain to the voting public that they merely want an “independent judiciary” making “nonpartisan” decisions…as long as they benefit Democrats.
That can be supported any number of ways, but one important fact is who is actually supporting the heavy lift of a new high profile suit.
NEWS: With support from the National Redistricting Foundation, we just filed suit in North Carolina state court challenging the gerrymandering of the state legislative districts. We seek new maps for 2020 — the folks elected in 2020 will control the next redistricting.
— Daniel Jacobson (@Dan_F_Jacobson) November 13, 2018
Jacobson is a former Obama White House lawyer boasting of their support from the National Redistricting Foundation, led by former Obama AG Eric Holder, in the effort to get Democrat friendly maps in place by 2020.
Of course the ambiguously named foundation if really the 501(c)(3) affiliate of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, a 527 political action committee specifically formed for Obama and his friends to target Republicans with litigation over charges of racism in legislative maps.
The group also endorsed candidates for office, joining forces with Obama’s old campaign apparatus OFA, and their picks are no coincidence. Before bringing a suit before the North Carolina court system to challenge Republican maps, NRF endorsed and supported the election of Anita Earls to the Supreme Court.
Of Earls, Holder said in his endorsement, “Whether fighting unfair redistricting that undermines our democracy or increasing economic opportunity for the most vulnerable in our communities, she has been a champion for justice and fairness. I’m proud to support Anita and confident she will be an independent justice [… ]”
So now they have their judge in place to further bolster their pro-Democrat bench and it’s time to launch another lawsuit to chip away at Republican control, because by ‘independent’ we know Holder means their confident Earls will be ‘Democrat-friendly.’
The courts and maps, thus, are likely to remain the focus until state lawmakers reconvene later this month. At that point they will consider more Florence relief allocations and whatever else “comes up” in Republican caucus.
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