RALEIGH – The 2018 midterms were already going to be of a different nature than previous midterm elections simply because of who is in the White House. That dynamic has likely contributed to the hefty fundraising hauls the N.C. Democratic Party has been reporting, significantly outraising their previous numbers and making Republicans nervous. If that wasn’t enough, Hurricane Florence came along and decimated South Eastern N.C. just as absentee voting was getting under way.
So how are absentee voting trends are shaping up so far? Old North State Politics, published by Dr. Michael Bitzer, is out with some numbers that shine a light on just that topic.
Thread for NC’s mail absentee ballots, through 9-26-18:
Requested: 20,779
Sent: 20,503 (98.6%)
Returned & Accepted: 817 (3.9%)By party registrations for all three categories:#ncpol #ncvotes pic.twitter.com/GiOyRDFj24
— Old North State Politics (@oldnorthstpol) September 27, 2018
NC’s mail absentee ballots through 9-26-18 by generational cohorts and by party registration within each cohort:#ncpol #ncvotes pic.twitter.com/zvhTy0tDSq
— Old North State Politics (@oldnorthstpol) September 27, 2018
NC’s mail absentee ballots through 9-26-18 by congressional districts:#NC09: 14%#NC04: 12%#NC11: 10%
By ballots requested and the percentage of party registration within congressional district:#ncpol #ncvotes pic.twitter.com/qiI3MtnC6s
— Old North State Politics (@oldnorthstpol) September 27, 2018
NC’s mail absentee ballots requested by 2014 vote method or year of registration:#ncpol #ncvotes pic.twitter.com/qgfNaP6aNb
— Old North State Politics (@oldnorthstpol) September 27, 2018
NC’s mail absentee ballots requested by 2014 vote method or year of registration by party registration of the voter:#ncpol #ncvotes pic.twitter.com/BeRM3oq2Aw
— Old North State Politics (@oldnorthstpol) September 27, 2018
NC’s mail absentee ballots requested by gender and party registration:
Female voters: 55%
Male voters: 43%#ncpol #ncvotes pic.twitter.com/c0Y8Aw9FFR— Old North State Politics (@oldnorthstpol) September 27, 2018
Comparison between 2014 and 2018 NC mail absentee ballot requests, by party registration, based on the number of days out from Election Day:#ncpol #ncvotes pic.twitter.com/wR4h7GMGJN
— Old North State Politics (@oldnorthstpol) September 27, 2018
And differences in NC mail absentee ballot requests between 2014 to 2018 by voter party registration:#ncpol #ncvotes pic.twitter.com/s0lEfVRYYX
— Old North State Politics (@oldnorthstpol) September 27, 2018
And the comparison and differences in NC mail absentee ballots returned and accepted between 2014 and 2018 by voter party registration:#ncpol #ncvotes pic.twitter.com/pZMQuQsQTG
— Old North State Politics (@oldnorthstpol) September 27, 2018
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