RICHMOND – Despite the mainstream media’s malicious and smearing build up to the gun rights event held in Virginia’s state capital Monday. more than 22,000 people turned out to lobby their government and no violence was reported at all. This after days of the Leftists media painting the entire movement as a bunch of redneck racists and spreading fear that neo-Nazi militias were going to marauding through the streets of Richmond.
From the Hill:
“A massive pro-gun rally in Virginia’s capital on Monday remained peaceful despite reported threats of violence from white nationalist groups.
Photos and videos showed thousands of gun rights supporters marching in the streets of Richmond, Va., many armed with assault-style weapons or other firearms, while hundreds passed metal detectors to the grounds of the state capitol where a temporary firearm restriction was in place and an area for speakers was set up. […]
The head of the Virginia Citizens Defense League, a pro-gun group, told the Post that Monday’s rally was a success.
“It was perfect,” Philip Van Cleave said. “This was what we wanted — something totally peaceful to tell the General Assembly to stay away from gun control.” […]”
There was one arrest, for a young woman violating the anti-mask statute temporarily in place because of the state of emergency imposed by Governor Ralph Northam. Otherwise, there was no reported violence at all. Some law enforcement described protesters as ‘perfect gentlemen’ and the throngs of gun rights supporters reportedly picked the capitol square clean of litter, using trash bags they brought along, as they departed.
Really sounds like a rabidly violent crowd, huh?
The only real threats of violence that this event faced were going to come from radical and unwanted elements responding to provocations from other and radical and unhinged groups like Antifa. Luckily that didn’t happen, and the people and the justness of their cause were allowed to shine. The chances that the majority Democrat Virginia legislature is going to see the light, however, are still dim. Legislative leaders and the governor issued statements with the typical niceties, followed by a doubling down on their mission to pass draconian gun control laws. It’s a modern day tyranny of the majority, as they violate the individual rights of Virginians everywhere to appease a mob that’s decided they have the power to grant and takeaway the rights of their ‘subjects.’
With Virginia, it means a deepening blue northern section of the state dictates policy to far flung Virginians in the south and west that want their constitutional rights secured.
The population is concentrated in about three areas, all directly or indirectly fueled by the federal government growth and largess. The City of Alexandria, just across the bridge from D.C., has more people per square mile than any other jurisdiction in Virginia, according to the Census in 2000 and 2010. There are over 128,000 people living within the 15 square miles of the city, for a population density of 8,452 people/square mile.
The growth in those Blue areas is projected to be far and away the tops in the State.
In contrast, Highland County has the lowest density. Highland had only 6 people/square mile in 2000, lost population in the 2000s, and likely still shrinking in 2020. Yet the people that remain there, and their rights, are just as sacrosanct. Hopefully the event in Richmond on MLK Day helped a righteous cause overcomes increasingly long odds. More than a dozen counties in North Carolina are standing up with their neighbors to the north, declaring their allegiance to the Constitution and it’s proper enforcement. Every additional voice will be needed if Virginians hope to avoid a seemingly inescapable fate of demographics.
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