WASHINGTON, D.C. – The full deluge of reelection radio ads for Sen. Thom Tillis (RINO-NC) — during the primary –is evidence of just how much trouble the least popular senator in the country is. Trying to ward off a formidable and well-funded challenger in Garland Tucker isn’t easy, especially when your own baggage is so heavy. Hence, Tillis is spending nearly have his campaign stash to survive round one.
So it comes as no surprise to see Tillis again land on a ‘Top 10’ list of endangered politicians. Making the top five of vulnerable senators, Roll Call is now listing the Senate seat occupied by the former N.C. House Speaker a toss up.
“Running for his second term, Tillis faces battles on two fronts. First, he’s confronting a self-funding primary opponent in businessman Garland Tucker, who’s already forced the incumbent to reserve $2 million in TV ads to build his name recognition and strengthen his support with the conservative base. Even after flipping on Trump’s national emergency declaration on the southern border to side with the president, Tillis was booed at Trump’s most recent rally in the Tar Heel State. Army veteran Cal Cunningham looks like the front-runner on the Democratic side. Despite not being a well-known name in the state, the former state senator raised nearly as much as Tillis in the third quarter.”
As if to drive home the point, Roll Call features this video of the Tillis organized Doggy Halloween Costume Parade at the U.S. Capitol. If you literally surround yourself with puppies at every opportunity and you’re STILL unpopular, prospects are poor to say the least.
Read more of the list here.
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